
Displaying 651 - 700 of total 820 publications
Source: Scopus
  • 651. Marx D.; Sandeep R.B., "Incompressibility of H-free edge modification problems: Towards a dichotomy", Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs , 2020.
  • 652. Saha K.; Pandey A.; Banerjee S.B.; Bapat B., "Fragmentation kinematics of SF6 upon photo–excitation of S(2p) core shell and subsequent Auger decays", Chemical Physics Letters , 2020.
  • 653. Tamal Das; Mohan Gurusamy, "Controller Placement for Resilient Network State Synchronization in Multi-Controller SDN", IEEE Communications Letters , 2020.
  • 654. Bhattacharjee M.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Guha P., "Speech/Music Classification Using Features from Spectral Peaks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing , 2020.
  • 655. Baghel S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Guha P., "Analysis of excitation source characteristics for shouted and normal speech classification", 26th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2020 , 2020.
  • 656. Singh A.; Arora A.; Nigam A., "Cancelable Iris template generation by aggregating patch level ordinal relations with its holistically extended performance and security analysis", Image and Vision Computing , 2020.
  • 657. Akshay S.; Hélouët L.; Phawade R., "Combining free choice and time in Petri nets", Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming , 2020.
  • 658. Dolai D.R.; Krishna M.; Mallick A., "Regularity of the Density of States of Random Schrödinger Operators", Communications in Mathematical Physics , 2020.
  • 659. Bensmail J.; Nandi S.; Roy M.; Sen S., "Classification of edge-critical underlying absolute planar cliques for signed graphs", Australasian Journal of Combinatorics , 2020.
  • 660. Chopard B.; Ansumali S.; Patil D.V.; Karlin I.; Venkatesan D.S., "Fluid dynamics, soft matter and complex systems: Recent results and new methods: Preface", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences , 2020.
  • 661. Mulla A.K., "Self-triggered finite time pursuit strategy for a two-player game", IFAC-PapersOnLine , 2020.
  • 662. Hu W.; Yao Y.; Ni Z.; Bhat R.V.; Motani M., "Time-Switching Energy Harvesting Relay Optimizing Considering Decoding Cost", Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST , 2020.
  • 663. Khadirnaikar S.; Kumar P.; Shukla S.K., "Development and validation of an immune prognostic signature for ovarian carcinoma", Cancer Reports , 2020.
  • 664. Iyer N.R., "An overview of cementitious construction materials", New Materials in Civil Engineering , 2020.
  • 665. Beringhs A.O.R.; Singh S.P.; Valdez T.A.; Lu X., "Sublingual indocyanine green films for non-invasive swallowing assessment and inflammation detection through NIR/SWIR optical imaging", Scientific Reports , 2020.
  • 666. Masuti S.K.; Ozeki K.; Rossi M.E.; Le Truong H., "On the structure of the sally module and the second normal Hilbert coefficient", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society , 2020.
  • 667. Rajanarayanan S.C.; Misra R.; Pandya R.J., "Machine Learning Oriented Resource Allocation to Achieve Ultra Low Power, Low Latency and High Reliability Vehicular Communication Networks", 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference, INDICON 2020 , 2020.
  • 668. Bhat R.V.; Vaze R.; Motani M., "Throughput maximization with an average age of information constraint in fading channels", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2020 - Proceedings , 2020.
  • 669. Venkata R.I.; Ray A.; Satish N.B., "A Snubberless Hybrid Circuit Breaker for Medium Voltage DC grids", 2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IPEMC 2020 ECCE Asia , 2020.
  • 670. Reji H.M.; Patil M., "Gravitational lensing signature of matter distribution around Schwarzschild black hole", Physical Review D , 2020.
  • 671. Dubey A.K.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Dandapat S., "Sinusoidal model-based hypernasality detection in cleft palate speech using CVCV sequence", Speech Communication , 2020.
  • 672. Singh S.K.; Deepak S.R., "Analytical Reason for Smaller Lateral Sway in Angled-Plane Scissor Linkage", Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics , 2020.
  • 673. Samui P.; Kim D.; Iyer N.; Chaudhary S., "New Materials in Civil Engineering", New Materials in Civil Engineering , 2020.
  • 674. Kumar R.; Ghosh R., "Selective determination of ammonia, ethanol and acetone by reduced graphene oxide based gas sensors at room temperature", Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research , 2020.
  • 675. Mathad V.C.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Vowel onset point based screening of misarticulated stops in cleft lip and palate speech", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing , 2020.
  • 676. Gawas A.S.; Patil D.V., "Axisymmetric thermal-lattice Boltzmann method for Rayleigh-Bénard convection with anisotropic thermal diffusion", Journal of Computational Science , 2020.
  • 677. Baghel S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Guhal P., "Overlapped/Non-Overlapped Speech Transition Point Detection Using Bag-of-Audio-Words", SPCOM 2020 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications , 2020.
  • 678. Brais H.; Kalayappan R.; Panda P.R., "A survey of cache simulators", ACM Computing Surveys , 2020.
  • 679. Cao Y.; Sandeep R.B., "Minimum fill-in: Inapproximability and almost tight lower bounds", Information and Computation , 2020.
  • 680. Sudro P.N.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Enhancement of cleft palate speech using temporal and spectral processing", Speech Communication , 2020.
  • 681. Parashari G.S.; Kumar V., "Destruction and settlement norms as determinants of conflict: An evolutionary perspective", European Journal of Political Economy , 2020.
  • 682. Swain S.N.; Murthy C.S.R., "A novel energy-aware utility maximization for efficient device-to-device communication in LTE-WiFi networks under mixed traffic scenarios", Computer Networks , 2020.
  • 683. Keerthi M.C.; Kushari A., "Spanwise variations in aerodynamic damping of an oscillating annular compressor cascade", Journal of Propulsion and Power , 2020.
  • 684. Ravi P.; Singh S.P.; Kang J.W.; Tran S.; Dasari R.R.; So P.T.C.; Liepmann D.; Katti K.; Katti D.; Renugopalakrishnan V.; Paulmurugan R., "Spectrochemical Probing of MicroRNA Duplex Using Spontaneous Raman Spectroscopy for Biosensing Applications", Analytical Chemistry , 2020.
  • 685. Erickson-DiRenzo E.; Singh S.P.; Martinez J.D.; Sanchez S.E.; Easwaran M.; Valdez T.A., "Cigarette smoke-induced changes in the murine vocal folds: A Raman spectroscopic observation", Analyst , 2020.
  • 686. Bhuvaneshwari B.; Selvaraj A.; Iyer N.R., "Corrosion inhibitors for increasing the service life of structures", New Materials in Civil Engineering , 2020.
  • 687. Kang J.W.; Park Y.S.; Chang H.; Lee W.; Singh S.P.; Choi W.; Galindo L.H.; Dasari R.R.; Nam S.H.; Park J.; So P.T.C., "Direct observation of glucose fingerprint using in vivo Raman spectroscopy", Science Advances , 2020.
  • 688. Ananthnarayan H.; Kumar R., "Extremal rays of Betti cones", Journal of Algebra and its Applications , 2020.
  • 689. Gupt A.; Balasubramanya N.M.; Sellathura M., "Contextual-Bandit based MIMO Relay Selection Policy with Channel Uncertainty", IEEE International Conference on Communications , 2020.
  • 690. Garg N.; Sellathurai M.; Bhatia V.; Bharath B.N.; Ratnarajah T., "Online Content Popularity Prediction and Learning in Wireless Edge Caching", IEEE Transactions on Communications , 2020.
  • 691. Patil M.; Harada T., "Extremal Kerr white holes as a source of ultrahigh energy particles", Physical Review D , 2020.
  • 692. Mukhopadhyay A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Barua A.K., "Stability of thin film flowing down the outer surface of a rotating non-uniformly heated vertical cylinder", Nonlinear Dynamics , 2020.
  • 693. Agarwal A.; Mishra J.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "VOP detection in variable speech rate condition", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2020.
  • 694. Patil U.N.; Tembe B.L., "Solvation structures of Na+ Cl− ion pair in DMF-water and DMF-methanol mixtures", Molecular Simulation , 2020.
  • 695. Wang S.; Ananthanarayanan G.; Zeng Y.; Goel N.; Pathania A.; Mitra T., "High-Throughput CNN Inference on Embedded ARM Big.LITTLE Multicore Processors", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems , 2020.
  • 696. Harini G.S.; Mysore Balasubramanya N.; Rana M., "On Preamble-based Grant-Free Transmission in Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) IoT Networks", IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2020 - Symposium Proceedings , 2020.
  • 697. Swain S.N.; Murthy C.S.R., "A novel collision aware network assisted device discovery scheme empowering massive D2D communications in 3GPP LTE-A networks", Computer Networks , 2020.
  • 698. Abraham A.K.; Pushpavathi M.; Sreedevi N.; Navya A.; Vikram C.M.; Mahadeva Prasannâ S.R., "Spectral moment and duration of burst of plosives in speech of children with hearing impairment and typically developing children - a comparative study", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2020.
  • 699. Prasad V.; Seshu P.; Pawaskar D.N., "CONTROLLER DESIGN and ROAD-FRIENDLY SUSPENSION OPTIMIZATION: HALF VEHICLE MODEL", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference , 2020.
  • 700. Leung C.T.; Bhat R.V.; Motani M., "Multi-Label Neural Decoders for Block Codes", IEEE International Conference on Communications , 2020.